I believe everyone online is social whether they realize it or not. To be social in 2016 can mean a lot of different things. It can mean that you’re posting your everyday move on Facebook at all times, it can also mean that you just log on to Facebook just to see what’s everyone up to and what’s new for that specific day or you just log on to see the new video and or pictures that people post. It’s very easy to be social in 2016.
In the article “The Great Wall of Facebook”, it speaks on the battle between Facebook and Google. They’re both battling to be at the very top, they both want to have the greatest amount of users on their websites. The war began when Google was first offered to be a stakeholder but then the deal came off the table and was given to Microsoft, who is Google’s biggest nemesis. The deal was reportedly worth a “$240 Million investment for a 1.6 percent stake in that company… which valued Facebook’s worth at $15 Billion.” According to Fred Vogelstein “More than 200 million people—about one-fifth of all Internet users—have Facebook accounts. They spend an average of 20 minutes on the site every day.” These types of numbers are ridiculous and shocking. I mean, one fifth of internet users are on Facebook that’s incredible and proves that Facebook is doing something right to keep their users on their website. Now if you are working for Facebook you are even more excited, grateful and amazed to be representing a company with these types of statistics.
In the article “ The Web Means the End of Forgetting” it talks about how what you post and what is posted about that links to you can come back and later haunt you. I feel as if the people that were used as examples in this article got their rights violated. For Stacy Snyder who was denied her teaching degree, was mistreated. How can she get in trouble for posting a picture on her own personal profile of her drinking and a shirt that says “Drunken pirate”. In no shape or form is she promoting for the students to go out and drink. It wasn’t like she was on the job when she posted this picture. However, this goes to show that you have to be very careful of what you post on the internet, because it may cause harm on you like it did for Stacy.
Hello Victor,
I do agree with you on how internet has created competition among individuals and businesses. As you cited as an example between Facebook and Google, there are also several corporate bodies with similar brands that compete with each other. This is good because it breaks monopoly and also ensure perfection. At the end, each and everyone want to win.