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In 2016 Social media can translate into pretty much everything you do throughout your day if you want to be that vocal. Social media is the best interaction as well these days, especially when you meet and connect with people that share your same interests, goals, etc. (NO NOT JUST DATING)

In the Article “The Great Wall of Facbebook” Mark Zuckerberg is an ICON LOL! He is planning on making a world within a world. He stuck it to the man (pause) i.e. Google and is also going up against them to pretty much bump them out of the “social” picture, Simply put, Mark Zuckerberg is “Ready for War!!!” The whole search method sounds very cool as well, instead of algorithms we will get very real time data, thats awesome! Colonizing the web is a great idea too, when you don’t want to log onto fb you can still talk to that fb friend or friends whenever you want at the click of a button. I don’t know about you but real ads would be great. Instead of getting all these generic ads at places we don’t shop, we get to select ads of content.


After reading the article “The Web Means The End of Forgetting” if you haven’t started watching web content, now you must! Everything you post is for the web to see, it doesn’t matter if you delete it, it’s already out there in cyber space. So that $40 bottle of “Henny” with your bro’s and 1 joint has the opportunity of coming back to bite you in the future if it get’s into the right hands. Is it fare that companies are firing employees or Universities dismissing their students over a “little bit of fun?” The answer is no but the consequences are real. People are finding themselves arrested over pictures now, This only goes to show that these rules have just been written up, say there was no picture of the women with the drunken pirate; If someone from campus saw her while in that shirt and even with a few drinks, would she have been in trouble? So why because of a picture? The act is the act.


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