March 18, 2016 archive

What does it mean to be Online?

    In the past when someone mentioned they were “online” it meant people were surfing the web. Currently when someone ask whether or not I’m online the first thing that comes to my mind is that I’m logged in to social media. Being online to me means that I’m logged on to my Facebook, …

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The Internet and social media

In 2016, everyone online is social whether they want to be or not. This is because everyone shares information on some level. You may not be social with actual people, but you’re still communicating with someone or something. The level and willingness of this exposure varies heavily. Kids these days don’t know the damage that …

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The Internet and Social Media

I think social media is a great tool. It just has to be used with caution. If there are aspects of your life you don’t want your employer knowing, then it is safe to say you shouldn’t post it. This is the message that the article “The Web Means the End of Forgetting” was trying …

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The Internet and Social Media

The prevalence of the use of the internet in our world today is really incredible. The internet is becoming one of the fastest growing medium as far as free flow of information globally is concern. Third world countries like my own country Ghana, not too long ago lacked access to high speed internet. Today, the …

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Is Social Media the new way of life?

This generation is heavily impacted by the Internet worldwide but not everyone online is social. Some people commit crimes online, some are just bloggers and some just use social media to promote businesses or business products. I believe everyone is online because technology has advanced so much. To be online in 2016 is basically a …

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Internet and Social Media

Is everyone online social? What does it mean to be online in 2016? Within today’s society there is constant debate over the emergence of technology and whether it provides benefits or disadvantages amongst individuals who rely on it. It’s important to note that due to the modernization of technology we as a species have been …

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(No title)

  In 2016 Social media can translate into pretty much everything you do throughout your day if you want to be that vocal. Social media is the best interaction as well these days, especially when you meet and connect with people that share your same interests, goals, etc. (NO NOT JUST DATING) In the Article …

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Internet and Social Media

  Today’s society operates heavily through online interactions. Any service you can think of has some online presence, including things like social media, video games, or the internet itself. Since the introduction of the online universe, including the internet we as a generation have come a long way from what it originally was. The biggest …

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Social media & Internet

Rayshawn Parrilla We are living in a modern world where the Internet has a tremendous impact on our culture. Within the years, digital revolution has expanded and technology has taken over our computers, smart phones as well as the lives of many people. Social media is one of our biggest trends on the internet. I …

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Social Media

In the Web Means, the end of Forgetting touched on the Internet of the past. Of course, in 2016, you have to be way more careful what you post, but there are better privacy laws and setting to help protect your profile. But a person still has to be careful what they post. The beginning …

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