Electronic Games and Gaming

The first reading spoke about the 16 trends that will define video gaming in the future. It started off by stating that 75 percent of today’s parents play video games with their children and that children aged 10 and under take most of their gaming ideas from their parents. I can agree with this because like all children, their minds are very one-dimensional so anything their parents do they will follow. I also feel that the reason why parents play games with their children is because that can sometimes be the only way that they can connect with their children. It also spoke of this new transparent game design trend where game designs are transparent and shorter. The weakness of that would be that game would not last and it will not be an attraction to the casual gamer. Casual gamers love games that are not too long and not too short because they want their moneys worth. Transparent game designs is also a good aspect because casual gamers love special effects and and animations that look “cool”. One last trend the article spoke about is the gamers becoming creators themselves. This is a pretty cool concept because gaming has evolved and gamers want to feel as if they are creators themselves especially with how quickly technology expands.

The next reading spoke about Videogame God Paul Molyneux inspired a Twitter Doppelganger and resurrected his career in the process. At first, it talks about Molyneux history with gaming and that he has been been in the gaming field since 1984. Then it gets interesting when it gets to his history in the 00s. He began to stumble in mid 2011 according to the reading his work was a funk. It seem to me like he wanted out of microsoft because he probably didnt feel true or devoted to his work anymore. I can relate to this because I go threw a similar scenario and everyone does. Everybody gets tired of the same scenario so they want change. Luckily for Paul, since he has been in the gaming industry for over 30 years, it is very easy for him to regenerate his life or just simply retire.

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