I first read 16 trends that will define the future of video games by Keith Stuart & Jordan Erica Webber. This was a pretty informative read, They started of talking about games that got parents involved and then merged to games that got physical, to me that meant that the gamer is not just sitting down all day receiving any physical activity which could prevent health problems in the future. When Ismail talked about trolling it made me think that companies might do away with the aspect of “The Customer is always right.” Players being able to create their games could be a good thing as far as competitiveness goes, if I’m not mistaken it has been done but imagine the ability to create a board and sit back and watch people challenge your creation. Mix that with social media replays and it could be a dope move.
In the reading of what games aren’t I kind of agree with the author when he spoke about death race and said that the game isn’t solely about running over people. I kind of thought of Grand Theft Auto and came to the conclusion that the game isn’t just about shooting people in the head and getting it in w/ prostitutes, there is another story line that the game is actually about. Going a little deeper if you do kill someone on the game or break the law, the police will chase you and try to arrest you. When this happens whatever mission you are on is put on the back burner while you attempt to get out of trouble; kind of like in LIFE!
How A video game god…….
This was very interesting, this man never lost focus even though he had many fails. I actually played “Theme Park” and the game gave me the feeling of responsibility. I then started think about how back in the day when I or people I knew would ask our parents for a dog and they would say “Your not responsible enough.” If there was a game that would simulate a real pet on screen that you had to take care of and show you a diagnostics check on the animals well being that would measure if you were a good fit or not, that would have taken a lot of excuses away from parents, and at the same time cut down on neglected pets.
In General
I’m really not that much of a gamer ever since NCAA Football ceased production but I do remember the sense of responsibility that I felt when I would have a dynasty team and I didn’t discipline them when simulated NCAA violations came up. My team ended up getting banned for 2 years from any bowl games, a loss in scholarships and I ended up taking over another college team after that year. I felt a little bad for some reason. I ended up starting the whole dynasty over and reprimanding players that broke the rules. I bought madden back in the day just because you could draft college players from NCAA. The reason for this was; one year I had a running back that was bigger than my full back BUT he was the fastest on the team. NO I did not create him! I just remember trying to ask my friends that had madden at the time to take my memory card so this player could continue his career. Yea I know that sounds crazy but hey……..
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