I grew up with video games in my household, my parents were advocates for video games and would play with me as a child. Troubleshooting games when they would not work along with modifying video game console hardware allowed me to have an essay transition into working with computers and different software. These early experiences allowed me to make an easy transition into audio engineering and now video production and engineering at Lehman College.
What stood out to me the most from the readings was “16 trends that will define the future of video games” article from The Guardian. One of the major future trends of video games that really get my attention is number 4 “Blurred lines between games and social media”. After previous class discussions about music and video streaming platforms I began to think, “what would keep consumers interested in these media platforms for longer?” I believe a cross between video games and social media would be a massive success. I can name Soundcloud which is a music streaming service which is also a social media platform where people share music and podcast, as well as comment and follow other users. Some games on Facebook such as candy crush and Farmville are interactive and have a social media platform working along with these video games. “Angry Birds” is also mentioned because of its viral twitter trends and positive response from users. I see the future of all media platforms including video games being combined social media.