Changing channels and browsing through T.V. guides are a big part of how television is managed. This can be a relaxing and even an enjoyable time for people who are discovering new things to watch. Having cable can also be a factor in how often a person watches T.V. and how
“The new age of TV” as stated in The Future of TV is Here, Can Cable Survive, is having unlimited access to entertainment and getting rid of old fashion cable boxes. If you want to get the full experience of having cable you need to have a subscription to the premium channel, which seems like a rip off. Even though cable companies have a lot of control of how much we pay for what we watch, there are always alternatives like Netflix or Hulu where you only pay for what you watch.
The history of television has come a long way. From black and white analog TV that needed an antenna to vivid multicolored HD screens. The only thing about television that hasn’t changed over the years is it’s never ending audience. Even with the innovation of devices that can stream any show or channel that the viewer wants to watch whenever they want to watch it, I believe that traditional television still stands strong because some people pride themselves in having an expensive flat screen with cable in the home.