Film and Digital TV

First article, “The Future of TV Isn’t Apps. We Need All Our Channels in One Place” speaks on how television viewers want their favorite TV shows and series all in one place. I will definitely have to agree with Gary Myer because having all these different new shows to watch on all these different networks can be annoying. Especially the automatic charge that comes month after month. Myer mentions an irresistible idea which is to watch whatever content we want anywhere we want and whenever we want. Although, it may sound amazing, it may not be as easy as it sounds, it will definitely take some work and money for cable providers to actually complete the idea. They will have to make some connections with the services that stream our favorite shows and movies to actually make this happen. But I wouldn’t underestimate the idea and actually believe this can happen in the future.


Second article, “The Future Of TV Is Here. Can Cable Survive?” speaks on some of the streaming services that are independent and make money from subscribers without having to pay any fees to another party. However, HBO has to pay fees to the cable providers because HBO is partnered with cable. HBO Go however, the streaming service a fairly upcoming service gives you the opportunity to subscribe to a membership without having cable. I believe that is pretty scary for the cable providers because the bigger HBO Go gets, they might decide to part ways with cable.


I believe digital distribution is definitely ruining the film and television culture, because these streaming services are taking over the cable provider’s jobs. I feel as if people barely tune it to watch tv unless it’s for sports games and maybe news if that! Technology as a hole is taking over the world, soon we will have personal walking robots as assistants.

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