The World Wide Web has taken over the world and everything in it. Since digital media has taken over, it has placed a heavy hold on how the music industry operates now. With now advanced digital media coming into play, the music industry has lost many sales in the CD department seeing as nobody has the use to purchase them because everything can now be downloaded and stored onto your electronic device with ease. Today, mostly any song that comes to your mind, you will be able to find on the internet. With websites like Pandora, Spotify, Apple music, etc…It makes the General music industry hard to compete with these sites as they provide music freely to the public, or for a small month fee.
A very cool feature that I find that spottily has to offer, is if you have their premium plan, you’re allowed to listen to their music without ads and offline mode. So if you don’t have internet it won’t be a problem to listen to your music. File sharing plays a huge part that is affecting the music industry, which we have Programs like Napster and LimeWire, to thank for. It has opened the doors for many music apps today, to make sharing music more legal and more faster as we all know that when LimeWire was popular, it use to take hours sometimes a day for music to download
.With technology being so advanced, it makes it easy for music artist, to pay attention to their fans wants and needs. It is so easy for musicians to leak their own album on the web rather than having to wait for the music industry input before they release it, which makes them loose out on money. Social Media has played a part in the changing music world as viral videos and other social sites impact the music industry.