Throughout time, Electronic Media has transended all over the world. It has set platforms for people to access information in the most quickest way. Electronic Media has advanced so much that print media such as books, magazines and newspapers are losing ground. Print Media is slowly going out of style because society has adapted more to electronic devices. from personal experience as a New York Public Library Employee, Libraries are mainly used for wi-fi, purchase eBooks and for internet access. There were brief instances where myself and a few workers had to dust off a few shelves due to lack of use. Newspapers are looked at mainly depending on the images. Finally, Magazines are now slowly becoming websites. You can literally walk through Manhattan and see piles of magazines gone to waste.
In the first passage, Libraries ‘have had their day’ Author Terry Deary states that he attacks the concept of libraries. Basically stating that they are ‘no longer relevant’. Due to Digital Media’s expansion, I can personally agree with this statement because books are no longer read through physical copies and libraries are losing lots of touch and wasting thousands of dollars on books that aren’t even being touched. He also states that he only makes $6,000 when he should be getting $180,000 and feels that libraries are damaging the book industry. These statements are very strong because all booksellers have to make a living and if bookstores are going out of business and libraries are allowing these books to be free, how will the author be recognized for his work if he is making no profit off of his product?
The second passage, The End of Books attacks sort of the same points the first passage does. But this passage gets more into Hypertext. Basically, published articles are now typed instead of written. This statement is true because technology has come up with ways for work to be saved and is believed to be with us for centuries to come.