With each new development of technology, the old becomes obsolete the same can be said for books. With the invention of eBooks, bookstores and libraries are becoming things of the past. After reading the articles I can get a better sense of why print books are becoming more and more out dated, which to me is sad. I love books the idea of reading a new book is so exiting it’s like a new adventure and then when you find out the book you love is a series it’s this whole new excitement because the adventure never ends. I love the feel of a book new or old in my hand, but with the invention of eBooks and audio books it becomes more convenient to read and listen to books everywhere you go. It has been a lifelong dream for me to own a library with one of every book that dream is slowly becoming a reality with ebooks.
Feb 19
Yes ebooks are exciting because they allow us to collect more books than we can fit in our bed rooms or book shelfs. I love the convenience of ebooks and this allows authors to continue their career, through a new platform. Good writing will always be good writing weather it is on a digital screen or in print, we can still enjoy an authors work.