In today’s generation, internet has become very accessible and convenient to many people. Books are being stored electronically on mobile devices which, makes it easier for people to grab and go, rather than having to make a pit stop at the local library. Library visits has decreased tremendously over the upcoming years as technology has accelerated quickly into a booming business, but there are still many people that do enjoy the feel of have having a book in their hands and making trips to the library.
Author Terry Deary, argues that libraries should start to close their doors to the public because, the amount of money that is being withheld to many authors, as their books are being freely borrowed without purchase. As I know that money is very important to people because it is a form of survival, I do not believe libraries should be closed for many reasons; as for a starter think about the many people who can’t afford to purchase books or have access to internet. The library solves those issues.
Think about the many college students, who are on a budget or can’t afford to purchase books. Reading is a part of education and I think education should be freely available and not for a purchase sticker. Dreary, should also think about the many of kids who come from poorer communities and is striving to gain a good education. The library is the only place they have. Books can also be made freely available on the internet also, as there are many ways to read a book for free, as people will post the book online for others to view. So why is Dreary not basing the use of the internet? I disagree with Dreary, when he speaks on his reasons for why many bookshops are closing because they’re from libraries. In actuality, I think the main reason for the closing of the bookshops is because of the use of e-reading and its convenience.
Feb 19