The Loss of Books, Newspapers & Magazines

The reading about libraries humbled me and made me thankful that we do have libraries and public schools. Knowledge and education are tools that we use to get ahead, and it is hard to do this if you don’t have access to books and public school. I disagree that libraries have had their day, because without libraries people have to pay for books and this isn’t fair to be people who can’t afford them. In the article is said, “Literature has been something elite, but it is not any more”. This is a perfect example of elitism and classism, because it is putting people who can’t afford books at a disadvantage. Libraries are also where people go to use computers and print because they can’t afford a computer or printer. I could see how taking libraries out of rich neighborhoods is something to talk about, but they should not be taken out of poorer neighborhoods.

I think hypertext could definitely be the new way books are written, where the author can “link” you to information that is relevant to what you are reading. It is just going to be something that has to be perfected over time. This idea kind of reminds me of the “Choose Your Own Adventure” books, where there are many options to how the book is going to end.  Also, I think that physical newspapers and magazines will be lost faster than physical books because I feel people are more sentimental about physical books than they are about magazines or newspapers.


  1. Hi Joseph,

    Great work. I think the print media is going to be fading out quickly in the next few decades. Almost everything can be access online which makes reading more accessible as far as studying or reading is concern. With the issue of hypertext, it is so simple; just a click or punch of a link shown on the screen and you will be directed to whatever site or source of your interest.

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