February 18, 2016 archive

print media is LOSING

Print media is losing to electronic media in both content and delivery systems. Print media is losing and will lose to electronic media in content because information becomes old as soon as it’s printed. Once media is printed it cannot be changed or updated. The information provided in print will eventually become obsolete or out …

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Loss of Books

Ultimately, libraries should be seen as a vital contributor to accessible and free education to all. For years libraries have been a safe haven for those who unfortunately don’t have a suitable setting to study or who are unable to afford books or computers that will help them greatly with their studies. In low income …

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Loss Of Books

In the Loss of Books reading, I kind of got lost with all of the hypertext talk and the work shops and the way my A.D.D. is set up once I got back into the reading and is talked about; “Thus one day we might find a man and woman encountering each other in the …

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The Loss of Books, Newspapers & Magazines

The reading about libraries humbled me and made me thankful that we do have libraries and public schools. Knowledge and education are tools that we use to get ahead, and it is hard to do this if you don’t have access to books and public school. I disagree that libraries have had their day, because …

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