Media’s effects on us as a society have been profound. It seems to have infiltrated almost every aspect of our lives, especially when it comes to the way we connect with each other. Social media has taken the place of personal interaction. While increasing our ability to obtain information, it also decreases our attention spans, which is not helpful in this era of instant gratification. With most things a click away, it has changed the way we search for information and where we go to get it. Personally, I don’t watch the news, but I know after 8 mins on Facebook that I’ll leave more informed. I was not aware of their genius use of algorithms, but it answers a lot of questions as to why my news feed is a certain way. Many “new” media sites and projects have expanded the realm of “old media” in incredible ways and brought it directly to us. It’s convenience is matched by its usefulness. There will be pros and cons to everything, and as infuriating as social media can be, it is a very necessary tool in these digital times. There are countless people I would never even talk to, if not for social media. The internet has come a long way, and “new” media will continue to evolve, with or without us. I’d like to be ahead of the curve. Despite its hindering long term effects, you can’t help but appreciate it has done and what it can do. The next crucial step is to better inform people of the power and danger of these sites. The communication between parents and children is imperative now, especially because so many kids are not equipped to decide what is safe or not. Back in the day, social media was for fun, now its a digital version of your life. No matter what age, care must taken participating – I think people miss that. No one should have to be victim to cyberbullying, or indentity theft, but alas, these happen in the cold world that is the 21st century.
Feb 05