In our current society social media has altered the way of life and values. Media has altered values and living conditions of humanity because society constantly main priorities at times are how they are perceived through social media. People of this day and age focus more on creating an identity for their profiles rather then focusing on values that create personal growth. Social media can be harmful for today’s youth as stated by the American Academy of Pediatrics because it can lead to depression. If users are not contacted or accepted by peers or specific group of people can create disruptive behavior and concerns. The consumption of social media information can alter ones personality because one begins to believe and care more for their life on the web. They way one is perceived on the web plays a major role in ones way of life. Not only can social media lead to depression it can also misguide younger users and influence them to do things that are irrational just to grab the attention of his or her peers.
Where there is a negative there’s always a positive. Not only does social media bring negative concerns and reactions it can also educate its users. Social media cites can be used as a source for education because it can allow its users to receive feedback and options on certain topics that concern them. For our youth it is a tool that can decrease our country illiteracy rates as users are constantly forced to read and write in order to be a member of the certain social media community.
Social media has affected society in the smallest ways possible. In our current society many employers are interested in ones social media profiles in order to retrieve information of a specific candidate. Not only in work places one is requested for ones social media info, when one signs up for a specific application a social media tool is requested upon acquirement of the app. Social media has transformed society in a radical way. I’m very curious on how important social media will be moving forward.