The Effects Media has on Society

Media is fast growing every minute of the day.  With new social sites and apps being generated, the use of technology has changed our society drastically in both a positive and negative way.

The use of media has become a well dependent tool in today’s generation.  It helps the world to stay connected easily, as well as to be in a state of euphoria.  You can consider media to be a helping hand indeed to others, as it has helped with exposure of yourself or brand to be known publicly in a very fast and easy way, getting your voiced to be heard, and as well as keeping society aware of the different income and outcomes being produced widely around the world.  Media has well-made living life a lot easier for many people, as it is now convenient to learn and know information a lot faster.

As described in the articles, it states social sites helps with stress, depression, and anxiety because it is easier to talk about your problems and gather solutions to improve your health condition.  Another benefit, of media affecting our current society, is the amount of jobs that are being offered to people to help the launch of a company.

While all of these are good points, media has also produced much negativity to our society as a whole. Social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, snapchat, YouTube, etc… has really placed a hold on life itself. The urge of wanting to be connected with others makes us loose focus on what’s important around us especially for the upbringing of the adolescent.  The effects social sites have on adolescent are very high as their privacy is no longer private.  People on social sites post many statements about themselves or make videos which they don’t realize they’re making themselves a target for cyber-bullying.  The most innocent picture, text, or video you may post can turn into the most horrible thing you ever posted with just a few mean comments.  So instead of helping your health condition become better, it only worsens.

With social sites slowly taking over, it makes adolescents believe that everybody must be the same, instead of being original.  Everybody is copying each other because it’s the “Coolest thing” out at the time being.  Social media is very addicting, which makes the people of society become very restless.  Instead of helping us become happy, it makes us unhappy.  With many teens now having cellphones and social media accounts, it makes young adolescents victims to try drugs or other dangerous things, at such a very early age with being exposed to pictures of other people trying it and so it makes them feel obligated to try it also.

Social Media place fear on many people that they’re missing out on something important, when there is a whole world out there to be explored which is more important than a website in my opinion.

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