As youth become teens or young adults it’s important for parents to monitor their children usage of social media. Parents should set boundaries and block sites that may be detrimental to their teen’s development. Parents should talk to their teens about social media similar to “the bird and the bees” or sex. Parents should be informed about the sites their child are visiting and should check the browser history for recently viewed sites. Strong relationships should be maintained between the school, teachers and parents, and notified each other when there are changes in the child behavior.
Parents need to have more involvement and be held accountable with their child’s education. Schools should offer weekly seminars, trainings and support services to parents. Teachers and parents should have direct contact information to be reached during the daytime. Similar to the child, parents should be graded and given report cards on their involvement with the school.
Direct or face-to-face contact is important because people can devote their entire day to using social media and develop “Facebook depression.” This depression can be developed when someone continues to compare him or herself to what or who they see online. When posting online, people will portray how they see themselves, which may not be accurate with reality.
Exercise is also important. Users can spend their entire day on social media without movement. This can cause a person to be overweight or obese.
Facebook has changed the way consumers’ consume information with their news feed. The news feed has developed algorithms to give users news based upon what they like. News feed algorithms were developed to remove unwanted news. The amount of people who like or share a post will determine the importance of the article. A negative about the news feed is users will only receive information base upon what they like with no opposing content, this may cause a false view of reality.