I can say from my own experience using the internet and social media, kids need to be guided when using them. The problem was that many parents were not educated on how to guide their children to use these tools, because they did not grow up with them. You can’t fight an enemy you don’t understand. Also, Facebook has created a platform to communicate and share information with a lot of people, but we have to draw a line between what we share and what we keep private. You could have never met someone in person, but by taking a scroll down their timeline or looking at their Instagram you can learn a lot about them. We have to get back to getting to know people by interacting with them rather than finding out who they are by looking at their posts. Lastly, we are creating a culture that validates ourselves by how many likes we got on our last posts or picture. This can cause people to get depressed and develop self-doubt, but we have to stop looking for validation from others and love ourselves.
Feb 04