The Effects of Media Culture

The First reading Clinical Report spoke on the pros and cons of preadolescents and adolescence in the social media world. In this reports the author claims 22% are on social media 10 times a day, 54% use them for text messaging and 24% use them for IM. I can agree with that statement data usage on smart phones are no longer used for phone calls the form of communication has change over the years. Teens and tweens form of communication has been reliable on these digital and sociable outlets; they have become comfortable with this way of communication because it allows them to represent who/what they want to be perfectly.  The younger generation feels more comfort when it comes to texting and find it hard to engage in to real face-to-face engagement, when you think about it its more pressure involve when it comes to real-time face to face interaction too much is involved; by what you say, the volume of your voice (whether being nervous or confident), and also body language. As opposed to texting you have time to correct any mistakes and time to think of something perfect to respond. Some pros of social media I do feel it helps with awareness as far as health not only with sexual transmitted disease but also with dieting and keeping the body active, the gym has been a very trending thing on all social media. Not only that social media has created a whole new community and culture, making the world smaller and more interactivity are being established. Now its easier to enhance knowledge no longer have to walk to libraries and have 26 encyclopedias everything you want to learn can be accessible on the web. The cons are being trapped in this cyber world promoting negativity on your social media page can make a bad representation of you as far as posting nudity to semi nudity of yourself can surface the web quick and also stay on the web permanently even after deleting it. And one main thing to be aware and strict about is your privacy, information is valuable to these online businesses and hackers. I know people who post everything they do everyday or every moment even though these social blogs are meant for sharing I do believe in limiting what you share.


How Facebook Is Changing the Way Its Users Consume Journalism I personally use Facebook as a source of information, sometimes I would go on Facebook for news, updates of what’s going on around the world examples police brutality, Isis attacks, or economics issues. And sometimes I go to Facebook for updates on music and etc. Facebook to me has become a big source of news, I can definitely consider Facebook as the forefront of the digital newspaper and magazine.


  1. Great response Wilfred!

  2. Hi Wilfred,

    That’s terrific. I think Facebook is doing quite well changing the traditional way of journalism. I stand to be corrected. Should the masses really trust the news from social media, comparing to traditional media houses? I know sometimes they direct consumers to different other links for further reading on a subject but i think in the next few years the print media will be considered a history.

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